I am "The Urban Hermit" - and I have in the past provided a commentary on the Lord Zuckerberg and his organisation, “Meta’s” - venture into the Metaverse.
The Lord Zukerberg sought to enter the 'Metaverse Space' for the commercial, political and social benefit of his organisation.
It was I who provided the commentary on the doom of this project, with the warning - to those who would seek to invest in this project, advising them not to - and of its eventual failure.
All of this occurred before I was summoned by the Most Senior Prophet of The 'Supreme Ultimate-Universal Being' (“Z008” - pronounced ‘Zoob’) - Prophet Xadivar.
I was aware of the "War Of The gODs" - but have made no public comment about this matter. It must therefore have been, either through some mode of ‘thought,’ ‘communication’ - ‘Meta-Space-Time-Communication’ (otherwise known as 'Time Travel') or maybe just raw intuition - that my views on this most delicate and profound matter was obtained.
Receiving the appropriate protocols, I attended the ‘Crystalline Jewelled Labyrinthed Halls’ - which served as the Prophet Xadivar's, 'Bureaucratic Headquarters.'
In my meeting with the great Prophet - I pledged my allegiance to "Zoob" and offered my services to him on Planet Earth.
As I am a 'Physical Immortal' - I have been assigned, a number of tasks, which are not relevant to the matter discussed here, namely Lord Zuckerberg’s mis-adventure into the 'Metaverse - Space-Time Continuum' - therefore, I shall not deal with those matters here.
I was therefore tasked by the great Prophet - to continue with my 'Metaverse Commentaries' - since I was already stationed on Planet Earth and so I shall now bring up to date, my observations - which shall, as with all reports prepared for the "Transcendental House of "Zoob" - be recorded and lodged in the appropriate manner.
To recap, it may be useful to recall what I briefly said, which was a response to a specific Earth event. This was the Meta stock Collapse - I had seen a video dated - 3rd February 2022, entitled - "Meta shares sink more than 20% as Facebook loses daily users | DW News" by DW a German Publishing Broadcast service.
I stated:
"It’s hardly surprising that this giant Big Tech company’s shares have plunged – and this is only the beginning!
Meta in its original incarnation as Facebook contributed in a significant way to the “end-game” plan by the global elite in attempting to dumb down Humanity in such a way, so that it becomes a “Sub-Ape Species” – where humans communicate by “Gestures & Grunts.”
How can ‘The Cosmos’ “bless” such a dastardly objective? – So you investors out there expect the Meta Rout to continue!!! - If you have any sense, stay away from Meta – and others who are co conspirators in this “Dumb Ape Plan.”
So called (Mr.) ‘Big’ companies – ‘Big Pharma,’ ‘Big Agri,’ ‘Big Bio,’ ‘Big Weapon’s’ etc…..Oh my goodness…. what has Planet Earth become while – you - “The Peoples Of The Earth” - You slumbered!!! - so let it be known – that you yourselves are also to blame! - For you slumbered whilst many spoke truth to you and you heard them not! - Others called to you but you heeded not their call!
Anyway – The Metaverse – (which is a real dimensional Space-Time continuum) - is a Space – THEY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER - MUCH LESS OCCUPY - MUCH LESS TO CONQUER – For ‘The Lord Of The Two Lands’ hath spoken it.
So investors stay away!!!"
I said that then - and my strictures, warnings and threats, if you like, continue. For none on Planet Earth can defy the "The Lord Of The Two Lands," who has been appointed by none other than "Zoob" himself.
To continue my message, I say as follows -
I shall adopt the style of those of Planet Earth, as I am stationed here and familiar with its forms - and so - this commentary was instigated by an article, which appears on the 22nd November 2022 entitled - "The metaverse is inevitable regardless of what happens to Meta.”
I use this article as a guide, since whilst it contains many errors in its conclusions, it does contain sufficient structure for a number of the salient issues to be brought out and upon which I can add useful commentary which will serve as my report.
SOTI Collected Works - The Urban Hermit
© Science Of The Immortals (SOTI)
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